Mrs. Denise Solomon


Mrs. Claudina Charles

Senior Teacher

This teacher is the form teacher for Grade 6 and teaches Grades 5 and 6 Science and Social Studies.

Mr. Carlos Samuel

Trained Teacher

This teacher will be the form teacher for Grade 5 and teaches Math in Grades 5 and 6.

Miss Evelyn Brazier

Trained Teacher

This teacher is also a form teacher for Grade 5 and teaches English Language in Grades 5 and 6

Mrs. Pattisher Burnette

Trained Teacher

This teacher teaches Grade 4.

Miss Stacey Parker

Trained Teacher

This is the 3rd Grade Teacher.

Mrs. Bevian Greenaway

Trained Teacher

This teacher also teaches Grade 3

Miss. Melissa Warner

Trained Teacher

This is the 2nd Grade Teacher

Miss Kathleen Stay

Trained Teacher

This is one of the Grade 1 teachers.

Miss Marecia French

Trained Teacher

This teacher also teaches Grade 1

Mrs. Sulaine Christian Phillip

Trained Teacher

This teacher teaches Kindergarten..

Miss Jennee Farquhar

Trained Teacher

This teacher also teaches Kindergarten

Miss Hannah Byers


This teacher teaches Information Technology and Spanish

Miss Afeesha Graham


This teacher teaches Art & Craft and Library Skills

Mrs. Kimmonet Mills

Trained Teacher

This teacher teaches Health and Family Life Education.

Miss. LaShawn Williams

Trained Teacher

This teacher also teaches Health and Family Life Education.

Miss Jekilia Browne

Trained Teacher

This teacher is the reading teacher.

Mr. Lester Merchant


This teacher keeps our little ones active as he teaches Physical Education.

Miss. Herbert


This young lady will be the first person you will meet in the mornings when you come to address the Principal...She handles all the secretarial duties for the school plant.